New FM Transmitter

A church room becomes the JOY FM station but it needs a transmitter
Republic of the Marshall Islands

On Majuro in the Republic of the Marshall Islands, Joy FM has been sharing good news over the airwaves for four years now. With a population of almost 28,000, there are lots of lives to touch on this beautiful atoll.

The radio station also reaches the neighboring atoll of Arno. With a 100’ tower and 300 watts of power, the station has the best coverage on the island. Volunteers are faithfully producing programs in Marshallese and keeping the station on the air.

And listeners are finding hope here. “I love listening to Joy FM… it soothes my soul and I feel at peace. It reminds me of God’s love,” says Kara Osborne. Another listener shared, “This station provides answers to our Bible questions."

The station is located within 100’ feet of the windward coast and is only a few feet above sea level. Salt spray is often in the air and this makes for a very corrosive environment even though the studio is air conditioned. This presents a challenge for keeping electronic equipment going. Even though we’ve carefully chosen quality equipment, we’ve faced some equipment breakdowns.

Currently our FM transmitter has broken down and we have not been able to source parts to repair it. We are in need of a new transmitter to get back on the air. A quality new transmitter with shipping will cost us $8,000.

Thank you for your generous gift to help us continue sharing the Joy of knowing Jesus across Majuro via the airwaves!


If this project has any remaining or additional funds raised during this campaign, they will be donated directly to Guam-Micronesia Mission to be used to complete other projects on this specific island. Also, if this campaign is fulfilled in any other manner or the project is terminated due to unforeseen circumstances, all funds raised will be donated directly to Guam-Micronesia Mission to be used to complete other projects on this specific island.

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Is my donation tax deductible?

Yes. Guam-Micronesia Mission of Seventh-day Adventists is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization.

Will I receive a receipt?

Yes. After you submit a donation, you will receive a receipt via email.

What happens to any donations exceeding the funding goal?

Any remaining or additional funds raised during this campaign will be donated directly to Guam-Micronesia Mission to be used to complete other projects on this specific island. Additionally, if this campaign is fulfilled in any other manner or the project is terminated due to unforeseen circumstances, all funds raised will be donated directly to Guam-Micronesia Mission to be used to complete other projects on this specific island.

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